Delf Admin's News Articles

Annual Conference 2024 – early bird offer for DELF members

Tickets are now on sale for the DELF Annual Conference, taking place on Friday 11 October 2024 at Savoy Place, London WC2R 0BL. We are delighted to announce the following panels: Insights from inside INTERPOL Extradition in conflict: an examination of the challenges and realities of surrender during ongoing armed conflict Extradition: the use of […]

DELF Summer Party – Tuesday 9 July 2024

We are delighted to invite you to the DELF Summer Party, taking place on Tuesday 9 July from 6pm in the Canalside Bar at The Lighterman at 3 Granary Square, London N1C 4BH. The event is free for DELF members but please let Harriet know if you are planning to attend so that we can plan catering.

DELF Newsletter Issue 32

Please click here for the latest issue of the DELF Newsletter. Many thanks to Maeve Keenan for giving her time and energy to the role of Editor, and to Benjamin Seifert who is taking over from her – please email him if you would like to contribute to the next edition.

Section 20 and the Supreme Court – Bertino and Merticariu

With many thanks to Mary Westcott for her case report below:   On 6 March 2024 the Supreme Court unanimously allowed both appeals in Bertino and Merticariu (heard 28 and 29 November 2023) providing new guidance about how Courts should approach S20 of the Extradition Act 2003.   Both appeals were allowed, quashing the original extradition orders made in […]

Introduction to Extradition Defence: Technical Arguments and Tactical Considerations

We are delighted to announce a new lecture series entitled “Introduction to Defence Extradition”. The first lecture, kindly sponsored by 9BR, will take place on Thursday 28 March and will tackle Technical Arguments and Tactical Considerations. The lecture will be held at Gray’s Inn and will be followed by a drinks reception at 9BR. This event is free for […]

John Jones QC Essay Competition

The John Jones QC Essay Competition is now open, with the question Should the courts have a more active role in reviewing which countries are designated under the 2003 Act? Further details, including deadline, word limit and prizes, can be found here. Please do spread the word amongst your junior colleagues and contacts.