About Delf

DELF was founded in 2016

The Defence Extradition Lawyer’s Forum was established in 2016 by a collection of barristers and solicitors from the founding firms and chambers, led by Rebecca Niblock and Edward Grange.  DELF was founded with the purpose of bringing together those practising in defending requested persons against extradition requests, with the aim of providing collegiality, the sharing of knowledge, and a unified voice to represent the interests of requested persons and of the lawyers that defend them.

Since its inception, DELF has grown exponentially and now has more than 250 members across Europe. DELF provides regular educational events throughout the year, targeted at the differing expertise of its members, with its flagship event, the annual conference, held in October each year. DELF events are also fantastic networking opportunities with social events throughout the year including the much anticipated annual black tie dinner.

Beyond providing education and social events, DELF aims to respond to any consultations initiated by, but not limited to, the Government of the United Kingdom, the Criminal Procedure Rules Committee and the Administrative Court that could have an effect on the practice of extradition litigation.  DELF also has a working liaison relationship with the Chief Magistrate’s Office and meets the Chief Magistrate throughout the year. DELF also seeks to lend our support to relevant bodies within the extradition and international criminal law sphere, by bringing our collective experience and expertise to assist in the identification of issues that may arise and seeks to work with them to create best working practices for all involved in this ever growing and changing area of legal practice.

DELF continues to grow its membership with defence practitioners across Europe. In 2022 it became a collective member of the European Criminal Bar Association and appointed two international officers to the Committee.  It welcomes members from across the globe and seeks to provide relevant educational events to all members and provide further networking opportunities for those practising in extradition outside the United Kingdom.

DELF offers it's members

All of our members benefit from:

Building Networks

DELF provides fantastic opportunities to build networks with extradition practitioners across the United Kingdom, European Union and beyond. It has an increasing number of international members and its regular social events and the annual conference provide a great opportunity to meet other practitioners and criminal defence lawyers.

Sharing Knowledge

From circulating questions from members in the weekly mailshot, to the publication of its regular newsletter, to multiple educational events throughout the year. DELF is an excellent platform to share knowledge in this fast moving area of law.

Developing Extradition Policy

With a dedicated policy officer, DELF seeks to respond to any consultations that might affect extradition practitioners and requested persons. It also positively seeks involvement in practical matters, including liaison with the Administrative Court and Westminster Magistrates’ Court and seeking representation at relevant meetings of the Criminal Procedure Rules Committee.